Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Funk and Poll

So... I have totally not been in the mood to blog. I really haven't even had anything to blog about lately. Life is just monotonous. Wake, eat, play, laundry, pick up toys, eat, nap, play, pick up toys, eat, put girls to bed, watch tv, pick up toys, sleep. Rinse and repeat. Although I bet in 12 days I will look back on this normalcy with fondness, because I'm pretty sure a newborn is going to throw us all for a loop.
Which brings me to my poll. I didn't really care to throw any names out there because, quite honestly, I don't care for some peoples rude, uncalled for opinions. So you hate the name? I don't care, just tell me you like one of the other options better. You think I should name her Petunia? Well honey, it's my kid, not your garden, let it go.
But I'm down to the wire and can't decide which I like best. I like all three fairly equally, but none feel quite right. I suppose when I see her I may just know, but I seriously doubt it. I couldn't decide with Aubrie so my three-year-old niece made the final decision.
So go vote... Her middle name will most likely be Anne, with the possibility of Jade.


Morgan Hagey said...

I voted for Delaney. It's adorable. Hang in there, it'll all be over soon. :)

Genny said...

cute names! tough choice though, they are all great! Good luck!

Kami Satterlee said...

Delaney fo sho!:) Today was so much fun I'm glad we got to play. I really like the middle name Jade too that's super sassy.

Kristy Martin said...

I voted for Sydnee.....I've always wanted one, but Brian will never say yes to it for some reason. But it's one of my favs.

Also, Payton didnt feel right for months, and I still think it;s feels weird that I have a Payton. But oh well, I never found one that felt right for her. Maybe it's the third child thing....

Amy said...

I like Brooklyn Jade. Or Sydnee Anne. I had a Sydney in my primary class in Corona, she was adorable.

Anonymous said...

I voted Brooklyn Jade. I like that combo. :) She'll be here soon !!!!

Sabrina said...

It can't be Brooklyn Jade. I don't think any girl wants their initials to be B.J.

Mary said...

I really like Brooklyn, especially with Jade, but then I looked at your comment about B.J. Maybe not such a good idea! But I did vote for Brooklyn, I think it sounds really good with Hailey and Aubrie.

Holly said...

I was just about to say Brooklyn Jade but then saw your BJ comment... Duh! Although my son's initials are TP... Nice! Guess I just don't think about the initials thing obviously. Anyways... I like Sydnee Jade. A girl in my small group just had an Aubrie Mae and I liked that middle name too... Classic and simple. Okay this is a super long comment on my blackberry. Love you!!

Sondra said...

I like all of them girlie, some I would never of eve thought of, so def nice choices....

Nikki Whitehead said...

I really like the name Delaney, but I might be partial! I thought about it a little late but I wanted Delaney's middle name Jai (after my grandma) so I think Delaney Jade is adorable! I really like all the names, but I agree with Brooklyn Jade, so adorable! Actually the more I think about it, the more I really like all of them! Sorry for the long post!

Unknown said...

We've talked about this, I still like Brooklyn, but the other two are super cute. I think Brooklyn Anne is adorable, espeically with your other girls' names. Good luck Brie!! Oh, and really, it could be a third child thing. Spencer didn't have a name until literally the last second (first name took 2 days, and a middle name was being written while the nurse waited for us to give her the birth cert. stuff, lol). I'm excited to find out what her name will be.

Michelle Perry said...

I voted sydnee, and I actually like Sydnee Jade. Pretty.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, didnt think of that.... instead of Jade spell it Gade... like George... or Jorge... Ha I'm really just kidding, that'd be bad news, I just really like Brooklyn Jade, nobody asks for the initials of your first and middle names, if anything she'll initial BB or BJB ... I know I'm trying too hard. Go with Brooklyn Anne then

Stephen & Kendra said...

I love Delaney. Then you can call her Laney. I haven't read your blog in forever. I like all the updates. I like the rinse and repeat. You're slick. Love your guts. Kendra

Stephen & Kendra said...

For what it's worth, I think Delaney is a terrible name for a child. It's way too common. Stephen

Jefferson & ReNae said...

We should be there Mon. Can we bring something? Let me know. Thanks

Christina said...

Girl, you know I voted for Brooklyn!! She's my oldest, so I OBVIOUSLY love the name! I love Jade as the middle name too! And my Brooklyn is BJ too! (last name) It's not gonna hurt her! I can't believe you are almost due! Crazy! Can't wait to see pics! Good luck!