Thursday, February 14, 2008

A few snow days!

This first day she just went outside by herself for a half an hour. AubrieIt got really snowy for about a week. More snow then there has been since I lived here. Hailey LOVED playing in in. and I watched from the window.

If you make these next two pictures bigger you can see it snowing. The flakes were HUGE. And they were blowing completely horizontal. We had the biggest snow drifts everywhere.

A few days later I went outside with her and made snow balls and snow men. She loved throwing the snowballs and kicking them over. She even laid down in the snow and made snow angels. We too Aubs out with us for a while too but she wanted NOTHING to do with it. So instead, she sat inside and ate a rice cake while she watched us play. Silly girl!

While we enjoyed the snow while it lasted, I am glad to say that snow days are fewer and farther in between. I can't WAIT until spring! It actually hit the 50s the other day so we took the girls to the park and let them play. So nice to get out of the house! And yes you Arizonans, 50 was nice park weather for now! lol!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh my gosh that snow is CRAZY! It looks like so much fun (well for an hour or so maybe!) Don't think I could handle much more ; ) Love and miss you guys!