Tuesday, October 21, 2008

7 Weird Facts

So I've been tagged by a few people, and I don't remember who exactly. Holly and Nathaly for sure though. I've procrastinated for a while because I didn't know what to write, but I'll figure things out.

1. I have to sleep with the fan on. No matter if it's 30 degrees outside, I have to have the fan. I think its because I like to use my blankets but hate to be hot.

2. When driving with other people, I don't care to have music on. I hate turning it down to talk or see what the girls need, I'd rather it just be quiet. Most of the time if I'm alone, its not even turned on unless I'm either in a really grumpy mood and need the distraction, or in a really good mood and wanna sing.

3. When I'm pregnant, I want to eat laundry soap. Lol, no not really. I just LOVE the smell of it (mostly the powder) and would open the container every time I walk by and my mouth would water.

4. I always have to finish off whatever I eat with something sweet. I can eat a whole meal and be completely stuffed, but still crave something sugar.

5. When I wake up from anethesia, I wake up crying. Not because I hurt, or anything, I just do, everytime. Which has been 5 or 6 times.

6. I don't care for chocolate. Sure I'll crave a caramello every now and again, but I could definitely live without it.

7. I have a VERY weak bladder. Lol, I pee when I laugh, I pee when I sneeze, and I especially pee when I'm throwing up. Nothing holds it in, so during morning sickness times, whilst running to the bathroom, I grab a towel, strip my bottoms off, and throw the towel under me because it will come a-flowin!

I'm not tagging anyone because everyone has probably been tagged by now. So if you haven't been tagged and feel like doing it, go right ahead.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the laundry soap one! Have you seen that gain commercial? Same thing. Except the woman craved the smell even after the pregnancy! LOL. And I loved having the radio off in the car when I was up there. I don't like to talk over a radio!!